• tel: +61 405 097 224
  • email: katrinaweedingnaturopath@gmail.com
  • New address: 40 Arnisdale Rd Duncraig 6023

An appointment with Katrina will enlighten and motivate, and provide you with the tools you need to get into optimum health.

A headshot of a blonde woman wearing an orange jacket over a flowery shirt

Katrina has been a naturopath in Perth since 2002 when she finished her diploma at Perth Academy of Natural Therapies, after completing most of her studies in Sydney. Katrina has worked in several clinics including Eternal Health in Greenwood which she helped establish very successfully. She talked for many years on Perth radio 6PR answering health questions and regularly has done public talks on various naturopathic topics.

Katrina loves to help all types of health concerns- gut, digestive and microbiome issues are a major interest and effectively explained with the live blood screen she does in the appointments. Hormones and mental health are other areas of expertise and all types of immune issues from allergies, autoimmune diseases and cancer are a special interest to her.

Katrina always continues her professional education and stays up to date with health advances and the best cutting edge products.

Katrina has a great passion for inspiring good health, but in a practical, and non judgemental way.